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Verifiable Publish and Import

Encrypting instance archives

alpine publish <instance name> creates a .tar.gz archive of the filesystem and configurations of an instance. These archives can be used for backup or sharing purposes.

If instances are published for sharing, it may be desirable to authenticate them using strong cryptography. This allows for verifiable publishing and importing of instances over untrusted channels such as the internet or shared storage. It also allows for encrypted backups of sensitive instances.

  • alpine publish -e <instance name> / alpine publish --encrypt <instance name>: encrypt and authenticate archive with key derived from a passphrase (interactive prompt)

To provide this functionality, macpine uses age, a modern, efficient, and vetted Go implementation of strong cryptographic tools which enable authenticated encryption of files.

Encrypting with a password

$ alpine list
NAME       STATUS      SSH    PORTS         ARCH        PID       TAGS
devel      Stopped     22                   aarch64     -         daemon,dev
$ alpine publish -e devel                                        # publish instance `devel` with password
Enter passphrase (leave empty to autogenerate a secure one): [return]
age: using autogenerated passphrase "better-avocado-regret-marriage-acoustic-beyond-search-record-drum-shadow"
$ ls devel.tar.gz.age                                            # encrypted archive is created
$ alpine delete devel
$ alpine list
NAME       STATUS      SSH    PORTS         ARCH        PID       TAGS
$ alpine import devel.tar.gz.age                                 # import requires the corresponding private key
Enter passphrase: better-avocado-regret-marriage-acoustic-beyond-search-record-drum-shadow
$ alpine list
NAME       STATUS      SSH    PORTS         ARCH        PID       TAGS
devel      Stopped     22                   aarch64     -         daemon,dev

Further information

For the details of age, such as the age file format, refer to the documentation of the project.

age also supports asymmetric cryptography, encrypting & signing using age public keys or even ssh keys. In order to share a macpine instance (e.g. example-instance) to a GitHub user (e.g. example-user) with the ssh keys listed in their profile:

brew install age
curl -s | head -n1 >
alpine publish example-instance
age -e -o example-instance.tar.gz.age -R example-instance.tar.gz
# example-instance.tar.gz.age can be decrypted with example-user's private key

Note that ssh keys are generally used for authentication rather than long-term encryption and therefore may not be kept private. This approach should be used only if this caveat can be considered an acceptable risk.